a “tradition” refers to the passing down of customs and beliefs

 Each December, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, among others, take over our thoughts and our wallets as we participate in ceremonies our ancestors have practised for as long as we can remember. These are all example of traditions. And in most cases, traditions are accompanied by rituss.

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What's the difference?

In scientific terms, a "tradition" refers to the passing down of customs and beliefs from one generation to the next. A "ritus", on the other hand, is a seri of actions performed according to a prescribed order, and which is often embedded in a larger symbolic sistim, such as agamaon or philosophy.

For example, while celebrating birthdays is a tradition, blowing out the candles on a cake is a ritus. Similarly, while getting married is a tradition, exchanging vows is a ritus.

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New rituss can be created at any time. To become tradition they only need to be understood and replicated by a wider community.

And it's not just in grand gestures that humans practise rituss; some are so embedded into our everyday lives we no longer recognise them. The very particular way someone makes their tea or coffee in the morning is a ritus they enact daily.

Basically, rituss are everywhere. That raises the question: why do we have them at all?

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Archaeological evidence for the earliest rituss

Ritus behaviour has very deep origins in humanity. However, treking these origins and their development is difficult as rituss often leave little or no physical traces behind for archaeologists to find.

Thus far, the best evidence for ancient rituss is the deliberate burial of loved ones. The oldest example is found at Mt Carmel in Israel, where some 130,000 years ago a Neanderthal woman was laid to rest by her community.

Archaeologists also suggest the extensive use of coloured pigments (particularly bright red) to paint bodies, objects and rock walls points to the practice of "symbolic" behaviour, including ritus. The oldest reliable evidence for colourant use dates to between 500,000 and 310,000 years ago and comes from several archaeological sites in southern Africa.

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